Grand Appointed Officers


PM Darwin Mitchell (#1)

RW Grand Chaplain

 WM Prince Nesbitt (#27)

RW Assistant Grand Chaplain

PM Adrian Dion (#26)

W Grand Senior Deacon

PM Mike Goodloe (#4)

W Grand Junior Deacon

PM Alvin Butler (#27)

W Grand Senior Stewart

PM Demetrius Lamb (#5)

W Grand Junior Stewart

PM Nathaniel Richardson Sr. (#26)

W Grand Marshall

PM Daryl McCall (#12)

W Grand Standard Bearer

PM Deidric Cave (#20)

W Grand Sword Bearer

PM Harry Lee (#12)

W Grand Pursuivant

PM Derrick Shaw (#27)

W Grand Tiler

PM Jerry Bowen (#7)

W Grand Assistant Secretary (North)

PM Garrett Robinson (#26)

W Grand Assistant Secretary (South)

PGM James Robinson (#6)

W Grand Assistant Treasurer

RWJGW Stanley H Brooks Jr (#26)

W Grand Webmaster

Brother Bobby Rodgers (#4)

W Public Information Officer

MWPGM Charlie L. Flowers (#27)

W Grand CCFC

PM Abel Coombs (#7)

W Grand Legal Advisor

PM Dwayne Wright (#1)

WG Background Investigation Officer

PM Mark Richardson (#1)

W Grand Youth Director

PM Jeffery Bryant (#5)

W Grand Historian

PM Gary Blackmon (#27)

W Grand Auditor

PM Anthony Parks Sr. (#26)

W Grand Assistant Auditor

Bro Valdez Davis (#12)

W Grand Assistant Grand Webmaster


DDGM Floyd Watson (#6)

RW District Deputy Grand Master Wyoming

DDGM Maurice McKelley (#20)

RW District Deputy Grand Master Utah


MWGM Gary B. Thomas Sr. (#26)

Representative to Imperial Council

MWPGM Lionell Cummings (#27)

Representative to United Supreme Council NJ

MWPGM Terence Jackson (#26)

Liaison to Florida

PM Aaron Smith (#26)

Liaison to Maryland

Bro Ashton Atmore (#27)

Liaison to North Carolina

PM William Morgan (#7)

Liaison to Illinois/Missouri


Liaison to Georgia


Bro David Rougely (#27)

Liaison to Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity Incorporated

Image result for kappa alpha psi

PGM Hadley Evans (#27)

Liaison to Kappa Alpha Psi
Fraternity Incorporated

Bro Jason Lester (#27)

Liaison to Phi Beta Sigma
Fraternity Incorporated

Omega Psi Phi - Wikipedia

PM Hendrix P. Lewis (#4)

Liaison to Omega Psi Phi
Fraternity Incorporated

[/su_column][/su_row] [su_row][su_column size=”1/2″]

PM Deidric Cave (#20)

Liaison to Iota Phi Theta
Fraternity Incorporated

Bro James Efferson (#7)

Liaison to the Improved Benevolent Protective
Order the Elks of the World


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Committee on Jurisprudence

Ex Off: Stanley H. Brooks Jr (#26)
Chair: PM Eji Nwuke (#7)
PM Keith Wilhite (#2)

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Committee on GM Address

Chair: MWPGM Terence Jackson (#26)
All Worshipful Masters

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Committee on Grand Necrology

Ex Off: RWGS Michael Cousar (#5)
Chair: TBD

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Committee on Appeal/Grievances

Ex Off: RWJGW Stanley H. Brooks Jr. (#26)
Chair: PM Keith Davenport (#4)

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Committee on Examination of Visitors

Ex Off: RWGS Michael Cousar (#5)
Chair: W ASGS Jerry Bowen (#7)

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Committee on Works and Returns

Ex Off: RWGS Michael Cousar (#5)

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Grand Parliamentarian/Timekeeper

Chair: MWPGM Charlie Flowers (#27)

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Committee on Grand Time & Place

Ex Off: MWPGM Lionell Cummings (#27)
Chair: PM Calvin Young (#2)

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Credentials Committee

Ex Off: RWJGW Stanley H. Brooks Jr. (#26)
Chair: W ASGS Garrett L. Robinson (#26)

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Fraternal Relation Committee

Ex Off: CCFC Charlie Flowers (#27)

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Committee on Grand Ways & Means

Ex Off: RWSGW Felix A. Barbain Jr. (#1)
Chair: PM James Cates (#5)

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Committee on Grand Audit

Ex Off: RWDGM Jefferey Alexander (#27)
Chair: PM Gary Blackmon (#27)

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Committee on Grand Convention

Ex Off: MWGM Gary B. Thomas Sr. (#26)
Chair: MWPGM Lionell Cummings (#27)

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Committee on Grand Awards

Ex Off: RWGL Eric D. Nelson (#6)
Chair: PM Robert D. Howard (#7)

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Committee on Grand Scholarship

Ex Off: RWJGW Stanley H. Brooks Jr. (#26)
Chair: PM Raymond Ware (#7)
Member: PM Sandy Reddic (#1)

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Committee on Veterans Affairs

Ex Off: RWDGM Jefferey Alexander (#27)
Chair: WB Bernard Humbles (#26)

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Resolutions Committee

Ex Off: RWSGW Felix A. Barbain Jr. (#1)
Chair: PM Derrick Shaw (#27)

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Committee on Charters and Dispensations

Ex Off: RWGS Michael Cousar (#5)
Chair: PM Shadrach Thomas (#2)

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Social Media Department

Ex Off: MWGM Gary B. Thomas Sr. (#26)
Chair: Bro Jason Lester (#27)

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Grand Lodge History Committee

Ex Off: MWPGM Torrence Neal (#2)
Chair: PM Jeff Bryant (#5)

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Charity Initiative Committee

Ex Off: RWGL Eric D. Nelson (#6)
Chair: SW Mark Richardson (#1)

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Building Committee

Ex Off: RWSGW Felix A. Barbain Jr. (#1)
Chair: PM Marcus Whitney (#1)

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Worshipful Grand Musical Department

Ex Off: MWGM Gary B. Thomas Sr. (#26)
Chair: SW Mark Richardson (#1)


MWPGM Terence Jackson (#26)
MWPGM Lionell Cummings (#27)
MWPGM Sylvester Smith (#5)
MWPGM Charlie L. Flowers (#27)
MWPGM Arturo V. De Los Reyes (#26)
MWPGM Torrence Neal (#2)
MWPGM Garland Osbourne (#4)
MWPGM Keith Weston (#1)
MWPGM Edward JA Moore (#1)
MWPGM Stefon Atmore (#27)