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The Grand Encampment of Knights Templar United States of America & Its Jurisdiction PHA –
The Colorado Grand Commandery Knights Templar was constituted after a schism from Casa Del Sol Grand Commandery in April 1995 (there are many theories as to the exact cause of the schism).
In April 1995 the annual Conclave of Casa Del Sol Grand Commandery was held in Denver, Colorado with Ira C. Meadows Commandery #55 as the host Commandery. Commanderies present were Ira C. Meadows #55 (Denver) and Prince of Peace #33 (Colorado Springs). Commanderies from New Mexico were absent as were their representatives and no communications were tendered to explain the absenteeism.
At that point, Grand Eminent Commander protem, Tommy R. Kennedy, appraised the body concerning the discussion held with the MW Grand Master of New Mexico, and the insistence of the later that they (i.e. New Mexico) did not want any association with Colorado. Note: this is one of the theories.
For lack of a quorum to hold the Grand Conclave, and the pre-requisite towards becoming a Grand Commandery, Grand Eminent Commander, Tommy R. Kennedy, granted dispensations to form Commanderies in Aurora, Colorado (William B.S. Harris UD) and in the Republic of South Korea (James H. Herndon UD).
The Casa Del Sol Grand Conclave recessed at 12:00 noon.
At 1.00 pm labor began for the Colorado Grand Commandery Knights Templar, PHA.
William B.S. Harris Commandery UD was chartered in 1996 as William B.S. Harris Commandery #3 and James H. Herndon UD (Korea) was chartered in 1999 as James H. Herndon Commandery #4.
Thus Ira C. Meadows (Denver) became #1, Prince of Peace (Colorado Springs) became #2, William B.S. Harris (Aurora) became #3 and James E. Herndon (Camp Humphreys, Korea) became #4.
“By the Power of Truth”
Prepared by: MEPGEC Eji I. Nwuke
Grand Commandery Administration for 2024 – 2025
2024 Grand Conclave
Hosted by Ira C. Meadows Commandery #1
(Denver, Colorado)
Most Eminent Grand Commander
PEC Jesse Buckmon (#1)
Very Eminent Grand Deputy Commander
PGEC Garrett L. Robinson (#2)
VE Grand Generalissimo
PGEC Stanley H. Brooks Jr. (#2)
VE Grand Captain-General
PEC Jerry Bowen (#1)
VE Grand Prelate
PEC Joe Jackson (#3)
VE Grand Senior Warden
PEC Calvin Somerville (#1)
VE Grand Junior Warden
PEC Edward J.A. Moore (#1)
VE Grand Treasurer
PGEC Nathaniel Richardson (#2)
VE Grand Recorder
PGEC Eric D. Nelson (#3)
VE Grand Sentinel/Jurisdictional Deputy to GEKT
MEPGC Willie Winfield (#3)
VE Grand Standard Bearer
VE Grand Sword Bearer
PGEC Anthony Jeffries (#1)
VE Grand Warder
SK Leonard Ware (#3)
VE Grand CCFC/Grand Trustee
MEPGC Eji Nwuke (#3)
Eminent Commander
EC Harvest Thomas
Ira C. Meadows Commandery #1
4200 East Colfax Street
Denver, Colorado 80220
7 PM
2nd Friday
Eminent Commander
EC Brandon L. James
Prince of Peace Commandery #2
513 North Prospect Street
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903
4 PM
3rd Sunday
Eminent Commander
EC Christopher Baird
William B.S. Harris Commandery #3
650 Billings Street
Aurora, Colorado 80011
7:30 PM
2nd Friday
James E. Herndon Commandery #4
Camp Humphreys
Pyongtaek, Korea