Convent General – Knights of the York Cross of Honour, PHA
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Alpha Priory #1
Knight York Cross of Honor
2022 Annual Conclave
Hope Hotel & Richard C. Holbrooke Conference Center
Dayton, Ohio
Melvin L. Russell Class of 2022
Knights York Cross of Honor
Prince Hall Affiliated
Class President – Knight Stefon Atmore (Colorado)
Jerry R Ellerson Class of 2024
Knights York Cross of Honor
Prince Hall Affiliated
Knights of the York Cross of Honor (KYCH), was established as an Honor Group for York Rite Masons. The requirements for membership are that each proposed candidate for membership must have presided over a Lodge as a Master, over a Chapter as High Priest, over a Council as Illustrious Master and over a Commandery as Commander. Knights of the York Cross of Honour are an Honor Group of York Rite Masons who are dedicated to serving the Masonic Fraternity as a Labor of Love. No individual should aspire to membership in KYCH. When he has done the required work and has done it well; he may be invited to membership. Those who labor will be rewarded by being invited. After a Mason has fulfilled the requirements of membership, his name may be proposed for membership by a member of the K.Y.C.H. The prospective member should not know that he has been proposed. When a Priory receives a proposal, such proposal must be held over until the next stated meeting of the Priory before it is Balloted on. Some of the Ballot rules vary in different Jurisdictions, to comply with Grand Lodge Constitution and Bylaws, Rules and Regulations (
On April 23, 2016, Grand Thrice Illustrious Master Melvin L. Russell and several members of the Most Illustrious Prince Hall Grand Council, Royal & Select Masters, State of Ohio and Its Jurisdiction provided Colorado with the missing piece needed to complete the Yok Rite in this Great state. Illustrious Companion Stefon Atmore served as the Thrice Illustrious Master of Roy Ward Jr. Council # 33 for the years 2016 – 2018 and Illustrious Companion Stanley Brooks served as Thrice Illustrious Master 2018 – 2019. Both PTIM Atmore and PTIM Brooks also served as Worshipful Master, Excellent High Priest, and Eminent Commander of their respective Lodge, Chapter, and Commandery.
In 2018, Eminent Prior Melvin L. Russell extended an invitation, on behalf of the historic Alpha Priory# 1, to Atmore and Brooks to become members of Alpha Priory # 1, Knights York Cross of Honour (Ohio). Induction was delayed due to COVID 19. During the extended waiting period, Past Eminent Prior Melvin L. Russell passed away. In 2021, the two potential KYCH candidates were notified by the Registrar of Alpha Priory # 1 they would be inducted into the order at the Annual Conclave to be held in Dayton, Ohio on June 4, 2022. Both Atmore and Brooks were inducted as Knights York Cross of Honour in the Melvin L. Russell class of 2022. Knight Atmore was selected as class president.
Knight Atmore and Brooks are the first members of the Jurisdiction of Colorado to receive KYCH. Knight Atmore also serves as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado and Its Jurisdiction. Knight Brooks serves as the Right Worshipful Grand Lecturer. This historic induction serves as a reminder that members of the Jurisdiction of Colorado are continuously working to enhance Freemasonry not only in our jurisdiction, but throughout our Great country.

Stefon Atmore

Stanley H. Brooks Jr.
Eric D. Nelson
Garrett L. Robinson
Calvin Somerville
Knight York Grand Cross of Honor
Stefon Atmore
Three Quadrants:
Most Worshipful Grand Master (2021 – 2022)
Most Eminent Grand Commander (2014 – 2016)
Most Excellent Grand High Priest (2013 – 2015)